Casey Collection Phase I

EMC Engineering Services, Inc. provided preparation of construction plans and construction overview services to alleviate flooding in the vicinity of 46th Street in Savannah, GA. Project included 6,150 feet of box culvert ranging in size from double 6’x5’ to triple 8’x8’ within city street rights-of-way, 2,300 feet of supplemental storm drainage ranging in size from…

Cleland Street Interceptor

EMC Engineering Services, Inc. provided design and construction overview and inspection services for the Cleland Street Interceptor to provide flood relief in the Westside Drainage Basin in Savannah, Georgia. The Cleland Street Interceptor is part of the City of Savannah’s Westside Flood Relief Project which includes the Westside Outfall Line and Westside Stormwater Pump Station.…

Montgomery Cross Road Stormwater Pumping Station

EMC Engineering Services, Inc. provided design and construction overview and on-site inspection services for the Montgomery Cross Road Stormwater Pump Station to relieve flooding in the Casey South Drainage Basin in Savannah, GA that involves the 63rd Street Drainage Project. Construction phase services included conducting project meetings, resident project representation, shop drawing review, pay request…

Derenne Avenue Pumping Station

EMC Engineering Services, Inc. provided design and construction overview and on-site inspection services for the Derenne Avenue Stormwater Pump Station which was constructed to provide flood relief in the Casey South Drainage Basin in Savannah, GA that includes the 63rd Street Drainage System. Construction phase services included conducting project meetings, resident project representation, shop drawing…

Westside Stormwater Pumping Station

EMC Engineering Services, Inc. provided design services, construction overview, and on-site inspection services for the Westside Stormwater Pump Station. The pump station provides flood relief in the Westside Drainage Basin in Savannah, GA. Project included: 30-ft below-grade, cast-in-place concrete wetwell (3,120 CY) with piling (11,500 LF) for six 67,000 gpm electric motor driven submersible pumps…

Westside Outfall Line

EMC Engineering Services, Inc. prepared construction plans and provided construction overview services for a double 8’x7’ cast in place box culvert that connects the City of Savannah’s Westside Stormwater Pump Station  to the Savannah River. Project includes 1,400 feet of double 8’x7’ box culvert, pile supported outfall structure, 1,625 feet of 48″ and 60″ storm…